e-Diasporas Atlas

2012  Data visualisation  Editorial design  Interaction design 

e-Diasporas Atlas is the result of a unique collaboration with the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) to experiment on the restitution and presentation of scientific findings about  the online behavior of diasporas.

“e-diaspora” refers to migrant collectives that organize themselves, active first and foremost online: their practices are those of a community whose interactions are “enhanced” by digital exchanges.

This collection of three maps visualizes the emergence of e-diasporas concurrently with the diffusion of the Internet and the development of multiple online public and social network services.

The printed visualizations contain essential information about each corpus network and can be explored more in detail using a companion iOS app recognizing the corpus’ shape (like a proprietary QR code).

Each network graph on the three maps is based on rich network visualizations extracted from Gephi, an open source, graph-visualization software.

© 2023 Éric Le Tutour